Thursday, December 27, 2007

Blah Blah Blah

It's 7:32 pm. I've had a long day so forgive the rambling to come.

Why am I tired? you ask (and thank you for your concern). I spent the morning waiting for clothes at the laundry, which were not ready. My husband and I have a wedding to attend this weekend in NYC. I had a dress altered, which was done. He needed a suit taken in and laundered, and that's what wasn't ready. He says he'll get the stuff tomorrow.

The wedding was originally scheduled for July, but the bride called Dec 10 to say she's getting married on the 30th. I am an attendant in this wedding, and finding a dress for a last minute wedding when you are pregnant is frustrating and expensive, especially when I nearly missed my ultrasound (got there 15 minutes before the office closed!) and had to put off eating for a few hours more to guarantee that I found a damned dress.

The good news is I got the dress. It's a non maternity, size 12 dress that has to be altered. So ladies, if you have a formal event while you are pregnant, you have more options than maternity wear (I looked online, and I didn't like the options I saw). You can buy a larger size dress and have that puppy altered. The problem of course is shopping too early. Your belly grows faster than you think, and not every fabric is flattering or comfortable around your belly. Try on lots of dresses*.

If I told you how much I've spent on this one dress that I was hoping I'd get two wears out of, you would cry. I'm already dreading putting this dress on Sunday, it may barely fit. I have another formal event in February, but the baby condo I'm schlepping around may be too big for this dress by then.

*But make sure that when you do go shopping it's not on the day of your baby's anatomical ultrasound. You don't get moments like that back, and I was robbed, straight up! I wish that day had been just for the three of us (oh, did I mention that was the same day as the tour of the maternity ward? Yeah...) Not that Red Lobster by the Cherry Hill mall isn't a nice celebratory dinner, but that's what we had to settle for because I was getting nauseated from not eating most of the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, at least all of the frustration of the dress buying on ultrasound day was not in vain, because you looked really good in the dress! In my - of course completely biases - opinion, you looked far better than anyone up on the dias (no offence meant to the bride).