Saturday, August 23, 2008

Home Economics

Now that I am a stay at home mom, it is my job to maintain the apartment's cleanliness and well-being. This requires a level of organization I have never aspired to, nor was interested in attaining. I started creating a list of everything that needs to be done in the house. I typed it on the house computer. The printer is acting up, so I couldn't print out the list to finish working on it. This is how lazy I am- I let a printer malfunction prevent me from completing the chore sheet I started to create for myself!

I hate schedules, I abhor chores. But if I am going to be at home I have to be organized so I can take care of Tallulah and this house. And prove to my husband and myself that it was a good idea for me to quit working. I could write a brief essay about feminism and motherhood in the 21st century, but I don't have time to wax philosophically, my sink is full of dirty dishes and there are mountains of clothes that need to be washed.

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